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Damno Te - Foam from the Sea

9.8 MB .zip download

- singles -

Aphrodite - 2:17 / 2 MB
Goddess of Love,
Goddess of Beauty.
Come from the sea,
and create Heaven for me.

Viracocha - 1:17 / 1.1 MB
Supreme God of Creation,
cause this flood,
that drips from your face,
so we may start again.

Lakshmi - 1:28 / 1.2 MB
Churn this milky ocean,
and bring your love.

Heimdall - 1:31 / 1.3 MB
See me for 100 years,
and watch the grass grow.
Yee, God of light.

Izanami - 1:59 / 1.8 MB
The creator Goddess,
stir this celestial stew.
End in the Land Of Gloom,
Izanagi is with you.


Damno Te / Titus Records




















© 2018 Mark Meloche / Damno Te
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